After our first “full” week we wanted to relax and see some
of the sights around Tha Wang Pha. We knew there were a few waterfalls around
the area and thought we’d check one out on Saturday. In the morning Ethan went
for a run and ran into one of the deputy directors (assistant principles). He
talked to him about going to the waterfall and the deputy (we still don’t know
his name) offered to drive us. This was great news since we had no idea how to
get there. He told us to he would meet us at 1pm to go to the Sila Phet
So we got lunch and waited around until about 12:30. We
walked over to the school and wandered around looking for Mr. Deputy. He was
nowhere to be found. Hmmmmm? So we found a seat at one of the gazebos in front
of the main office and waited. We had no idea where he was or where we were
supposed to meet him so we just waited. At about 12:50 a truck pulls up and
honks at us. It’s him. And his whole family. Crap! We did not realize this was
going to be a family outing. We climb in and his wife (who works in the math
department) introduces us to their son, daughter and her mother. They brought a
picnic basket, a bunch of snacks and drinks. We’re not sure what we were
expecting about this trip, but a family picnic definitely was not part of our
expectations. Oh well…

We arrive at the waterfall and, like most tourist places
here, there is a small market area where people are selling snacks and drinks.
We walked up to the bottom of the waterfall and the deputy sees some friends of
his across the river. He points and motions for us to cross. Hmmm… crossing a
flowing river that’s about a foot and a half deep with a bunch of stuff in our
hands. Should be interesting. We waded through the water slowly and carefully
and made it to the other side unscathed. The deputy’s wife (can’t remember her
name either) made lunch while their kids swam around in the shallow water. (Ethan- There was a Physics teacher there that was putting some whiskey back and ended up bringing the deputy director and me a number of rounds of "shots in a cup." More on him later.) It
was really quite beautiful despite the random piles of trash lying around.
After a while we decided to walk up to the river to see more of the waterfall.
It ended up just being more of the river, but it was slanted down so they call
that a waterfall. Aside from being slightly creeped out by the jungle surrounds
it was a nice walk. When we got as far as we could go we saw a bunch of kids
jumping in at a deep part. Naturally, Ethan wanted to join in, so I watched
while he jumped in a couple of times.
Jumping in the waterfall! |
It started sprinkling after a while, but we figured it
wasn’t a big deal so we stayed. The kids on the other hand started packing up
and heading out. Should we go too? We didn’t really get why they were leaving.
They were already wet from jumping in. By the time we were done contemplating
the situation it started pouring. We high tailed it back to the picnic sight
and helped the deputy and his wife get all the stuff around and started across
the river. The teacher with the whiskey had a few
too many drinks and fell over a few times as he was crossing. It was hilarious.
He had the picnic basket, but by the time he got to the other side he had less
than half of the things in the basket than he started with. Everyone thought it
was really funny. Including us. We made it across again without falling over
and made for the truck as quickly as we could. By the time we got there the
rain had let up and it seemed like our rush to get out was all for nothing. We
ended up leaving anyway and went back through the random cloud that was pouring
down rain on the way back.
Overall, it was an awkward, but mostly enjoyable couple of hours with
the deputy and his family. Now that we know how to get there, I imagine we’ll
go back.
We spent the remainder of Saturday doing nothing. We spent
all of Sunday doing more of nothing. I wasn’t feeling well, so we literally
just spent all day lying around.
Tuesday was Sport Day here at Thawangphapittayakhom School.
Sport Day is similar to field day, but with a few extravagant twists. The
students have spent the last few weeks preparing for sport day. They even
changed the school schedule so the students would have an hour at the end of
the day to work on their various sport day projects. There were 6 different
teams for sport day (we’re not sure how the kids are split up for the teams
because there were students from every grade on each team) and each represented
a different color. The teachers are also put on the different teams (not really
sure how they decide this) and we were allowed to choose which color we wanted.
Ethan was on the orange team and I was on the green team. On Sport Day the
teams compete in track and field events as well as choreographed performances.
Each team has a set of bleachers, which are decorated in their color and have
giant painted surrounds. The surrounds are made of heavy paper and held up by
bamboo – kind of like billboards. Every day after school the students have been
practicing their performances, painting their surrounds, making props,
practicing with their instruments and doing all sorts of random things to
prepare for the days festivities.
The morning Sport Day parade! |
On sport day, which started at 7:30am, the marching band and
each team gather on the main street for the parade that officially starts Sport Day. Each team had a different theme and a bunch of random decorations.
Some had floats and some just had a truck with some banners and students on it.
Some were playing music and chanting and others just walked. It was a
spectacle. We followed the parade on motorbike, which eventually ended up on the soccer
field, and followed it back to the school. Once there, the band performed and
they raised the various flags (one for Thailand, one for the school and one for
the province of Nan – we think). A couple of people got up and spoke to the
whole school – we have no idea what was said. As teachers we were allowed to
hang out under the pavilion and watch all of the events. Thankfully there were
snacks (delicious mini banana muffins) and water. At one point someone brought
a couple of fans, which were lifesavers because even in the shade it was
unbearably hot.
We watched the morning events and cheered for our teams. A
lot of the kids ran without shoes on and some of them would randomly pass out
or just stop running. We felt bad for them…it was so hot, but they would get
rushed off the track, get a bunch of people to fan them and drink a bunch of
water and before you knew it they were back on their feet. Each event was split
up by age level so events like the high jump, javelin and discus took almost
all day. They handed out medals as events were ending, which was pretty
efficient, except there had to be someone to present the medals, which ended up
being whichever teacher or staff member was nearby at the time. All four of us
had to present medals at least once. We went out to lunch with one of the
English teachers Kru Noi. She is one of my favorite teachers here. She’s always
joking about things and making fun of us. I almost left my sunglasses at the
restaurant and when I got back to the car from retrieving them she said “Oh my
God. How old you are today?” She’s hilarious. Anyway, when we got back from
lunch the events got much less exciting and the four of us just sat there in a
post-lunch stupor for what seemed like forever. At one point I went back to our
room and fell asleep for 10 minutes. It was bliss.
Skye-ke handing out the Gold. |
During the afternoon events the students who were in the
stands would do various chants and sing songs even though they were all playing
music extremely loud (Ethan- They are 100% obsessed with Gangnam Style here and each team played it at least 5 times.) The performances were the last event of the day. They
were entertaining, except the last few were interrupted by my least favorite
event – the teacher relay. I had been dreading this since they told us about it
last week. It was an 8 x 50 so we only had to run 50 yards, but just standing
out in the sun for 5 seconds causes me to break into the most disturbing sweat
attacks ever. I also had no shoes to run in and my plan was to say “Ehhhh sorry
can’t run…I don’t have shoes!”, but no one seemed to care. Well Kru Rin said
something about it hurting my feet, but then just walked away. Thanks for your
help!! This was not going to be pleasant. They rounded us all up and told us
what lane to run in and my teammates told me I’d be running 5th, which changed
to 6
th and back to 5
th and then 6
th again.
They shot the gun and the first people were off. I was
already drenched in sweat from just standing there. The baton got to me and I
attempted to run fast, but I really have no idea how fast, or slow, I was
going. Fortunately, the guy I was handing off too moved toward me so it was
over much faster. In the end, the green team got 2nd (yay!) and I
didn’t hurt myself or sustain any serious damage due the intense amount of
sweat that was expelling from my body. I got a seriously cheap silver medal for
my efforts and a pat on the back from one of my teammates. After that they
announced the winners for each age group and for the performances (I think).
They were given trophies (all of which had soccer players on top) and giant boxes
of cookies and various snacks. (Ethan- the orange team didn't fare too well in the relay as one of our teachers fell over just before she could pass the baton on, but THE ORANGE TEAM DID TAKE HOME THE GRAND PRIZE TROPHY OVERALL! FIRST PLACE! I also participated in the 100 yard dash among teachers, but the "ready, set, go" or whatever it was was in Thai so I got a terrible start and ended up 4th out of 8. Oh well, I have never been accused of being fast.)
All in all, it was a long, hot and entertaining day. While
some of it was incredibly boring we would much rather have done that than teach
that day.
From L to R: Team Red, Yellow, Orange, Purple, Green, and Pink |
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