Friday, August 10, 2012

Easy breezy

8/10 Day 30 - One month of bike riding! Woohoo! We woke up early this morning, but took our time getting ready. The rain fly had a bunch of condensation on the inside so we had to wait for it to dry. After we had packed up we headed for Morro Bay to attempt to get McDonalds for breakfast. It was 25 miles and we had about 2 hours to get there. It was going to be close.

About a mile down the road I was thinking to myself "I really want to see a whale or some dolphins." And I thought about when I saw a dolphin while eating breakfast in Redondo with Aunt Terry. It was awesome. Then I looked out to the ocean and saw a fin! I yelled at Ethan to stop and kept my eyes on that spot. And all the sudden there were 3 or 4 dolphins playing in the surf. It was soooooooo cool. We watched them for a while until we couldn't see them anymore. We added dolphins to our list of wild life we've seen. (dolphins, black bears, elk, deer, bald eagles, giant slugs and snails, raccoons, california condors to name some notables.) Yay!

After that we booked it to get to McDonalds. We were going pretty fast until we got to a hill that slowed us way down. As soon as we got over it, it was back to fast biking. Then we got to another hill. Crap! Oddly enough about half way up the hill there was a McDonalds billboard. Ugh! We got up the hill and continued riding pretty fast. By the time we got to the town right before Morro Bay I pooped out. My legs were so tired. I knew we weren't going to make it, but I kept going as fast as I could.

We got to the parking lot at 10:40. Darn! There was a subway in the same plaza though so I went there, while Ethan went to McDonalds to see if they had anything left. They only had one sandwich left so he went to the grocery and got some chips. We got a sub and found a plug for our phones.

When I took my phone off airplane mode (saves battery big time when going through low/no service areas) I got a wonderful message that made up for the lack of Mickey D's. Gunnar (older brother) proposed to his girlfriend Catherine! Yayyyyy! I knew that he was going to, but it's still way exciting! A few minutes later as I was blogging they called so I got to talk to them about it. It was great to hear from both of them :]. Super excited guys!!!!

After chatting with the newly engaged people we chilled at subway for what turned out to be about 2 hours. I wonder if the people working there were wondering what we were doing. Anyway, after that we went to Albertson's right around the corner for some food and other things. We spent a solid hour there getting random things we kept thinking about. So in total we spent 3 hours in Morro Bay. It's definitely the longest break we've taken so far.

We didn't have much farther to go to Pismo Beach though and the terrain was fairly flat so we weren't worried about the time. We left there and made pretty good time to San Luis Obispo. (Ethan here. On the way we went by Morro Rock, which is part of the Nine Sisters. They are ancient volcanoes that popped up and quickly became extinct because the tectonic pressure found a different way to release, the San Andreas Fault. Pretty cool!!!!!!) It was the first city we went through with palm trees lining the streets. It's getting warmer!! We only went through the outskirts of SLO and kept going. We eventually got on a road that follows 1/101 to Avila/Pismo Beach. As soon as we got on it the wind was in our face. Why does this always happen?? The last 10 miles the wind is always in our face. Argh!

We finally got pretty close to Pismo and decided to stop for a snack. We pulled into a small winery that had picnic tables outside. We walked in just to look around and see if they had a potty. The owner's wife ended up greeting us and asked us all about our trip. She thought we were pretty cool. She let us hang out for a while to get out of the sun and chatted us up about art (they also have a gallery in there) and our trip. She was super nice. I went to the bathroom and we made some PBJs with tortillas. They were actually really good and we wished we had thought about it before. We're not sure how long the jelly will last though in the heat. :-/ If it gets gross though just PB samwiches are good too. (or granola bars dipped in PB)

After our snack we headed to the campground. We stopped at 7/11 for dessert and some pop first. When we got to the campground we came in the back way and went through the whole camp to get to the check in kiosk. It was really nice and we were excited. But when we pulled up we noticed a sign that said "no hiker biker available." Shoot. We went up to the window anyway to get an explanations and find out what our options were. The lady explained that they used to have hiker/biker but took it away and that even though their sign says they're full they have regular site for $35. She told us about a county park that did take hiker/biker though that we already passed. So we could stay and pay $35 or go to the other place, which we knew nothing about. $35 is way too much to camp there so we went to the county park. We made the right choice. It was $13, the showers were free, and there was a pool. Yes!

We got in and they put us at the 2nd hiker/biker site which no one else was in. Yay! We set up the tent and unpacked then went down to the pool. Ethan tested out the pool, while I talked to Deena on the phone. After that we made burritos again and then I took a shower. There was a laundry room right next to the bathroom that had plugs so we were chillin in there for a while blogging and stuff. Then the guy camping next to us came in and offered to run an extension cord to us from his site for our stuff. Hooray! People are so nice. We went back with him and he hooked up the cord. Now we are at the picnic table... I'm updating this and Ethan is updating our mileage and how much money we've spent. We're three (or probably 4) days away from LA and super excited to see Ali, Chelsea, Huy, Terry and Dave and of course Daisy. :] See you soon guys!

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