Thursday, August 2, 2012

Where are all the blogs?

8/2 Day 22 - So you may be wondering why we haven't posted blog entries for the last few days. If you're not wondering then feel free to disregard this entry. :] Anyway, we wanted to offer a brief description of our lack of blogging for our readers.

First, I (Skye) do all the blog writing then I save them on Blogger via my 3G service or wifi. Unfortunately AT&T doesn't really get any service out here in northern Cal. So the blogs have no way of getting from my phone to Ethan's.

Second, we have had very limited times to charge our phones. Ethan's phone gets charged the most because we use it to navigate as my phone never has good enough service. So when his phone isn't charged or we know will only get a little bit of charge time we don't want to waste the remaining battery life on blogs.

Thirdly, we stayed at a KOA last night and had plenty of time to get our stuff fully charged and I wrote the three blog entries from the last couple of days. The reason we didn't post them though is that my phone never had good enough service to save them or text them to Ethan's and about half way through our day I left my phone in a bathroom. :-/ Not my brightest move. Anyway, some one picked it up and I going to return it in the next few days . They live in Santa Cruz just south of San Francisco so we might have to wait til then. I was mad at myself for a while, but feel very lucky to have someone trustworthy that found it.

Anyway, instead of trying to rewrite those entries we're just going to continue writing about our days and we'll upload those when we get my phone back. We are doing great and we are two days from San Fran!!!

Today was very long and we need to go to bed. We'll write a more detailed entry about our journey today tomorrow hopefully. Goodnight!

(This is Skye getting rid of some layers just before realizing she left her phone 10 miles back. -Ethan)

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