Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sun and Sand

7/24 Day 13 - We woke up to blue sky's again, which was awesome. We took our time getting ready because we had such a late night. We didn't have much planned for the day other than we wanted to see the sand dunes. They stretch for miles and miles down the coast, but 101 takes you away from them for a while so we wanted to make sure to check it out before we did that.

We rode for about 7 or so miles before we got to a park in the dunes. We pulled in to take a look. There were two park service employees there giving out info and telling people about the dunes. It was interesting and the dunes were cool, but not as cool as Sleeping Bear Dunes :].

After we left there we biked for a few more hours before stopping for lunch. At first we stopped at a gas station that had picnic tables, but left after we remembered we needed to use our stove for lunch. Stove = fire. Fire + gas station = not good. So we went down the road to a very nice trailhead area and made lunch. I called Deena to wish her a happy birthday and catch her up on our progress. We stayed there for a while enjoying the sunshine then headed out.

We needed to stop for dinner food so we stopped in the next "big" city, which was North Bend/Coos Bay. We got food and also went to Goodwill to find sweatpants for me. It ended up being down a pretty steep hill which Ethan wasn't too happy about, but having sweats has made me complain a lot less so hopefully that makes up for it :]. I also got some socks to wear with my Keen sandals (so that I look even more dorky), but they came in handy today because it was freeeeezing! Last night was probably the coldest night we've had yet, so the sweats were a good investment too if you ask me.

After we left there we headed to the campground. We usually show up to the campgrounds after everyone else, which kinda stinks because all the good spots are taken, but there is usually at least one decent spot open. That was not the case at this particular campground. The hiker/biker area was tiny. And unfortunately we had caught up to two families that were biking as well as another couple and a lone guy. So we got a horrible spot very close to the couple's tent. It was cool to be able to sit around and talk about biking, but once it was time to sleep things got interesting. I was woken once by the guy next to us snoring like a freight train and then again soon after that by one of the family's children. And then sometime very early in the morning the other family's baby woke up and started crying. I commend these people for having the patience to take their small children on these trips, but I would never do it.

Overall it was a good day, although I didn't get much sleep. :-/

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